Monday, October 10, 2016, 2:00 – 4:00 PM This gathering is to peacefully support the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s stance against the Dakota Access Pipeline, call for environmental justice across Indian Country,...
Ohioans will unite this Saturday, October 08, 2016 at the Statehouse to rally and march for fair trade and against the TPP and other secret trade agreements. This event begins at 1:00 PM. During the rally, a series of speakers will...
On Tuesday, September 13th, the Lantern published an interview with President Michael Drake that misrepresented the details and events of and surrounding the #ReclaimOSU occupation last spring. We, as a coalition, have several...
Monday, September 26, 4:30-6:30pm, Columbus City Hall, 90 W. Broad St.
Please, Join us at City Hall to demand Justice For Ty're King and Henry Green and safety for our city's children!
The killing of children and...
Join us for a book event with Bill Ayers, part of a national tour to celebrate the release of his latest book, Demand the Impossible!: A Radical Manifesto. Wednesday, September 21, 6-8pm, University Hall, room 014, Ohio State University...
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