
The words hashtag activism
17 November 2016

Did you miss the Free Press Second Saturday Salon and still want to know more about using your devices and social media for activism?

Even if you attended, you still need this link to the information by our good friends Trane and...

People marching at Standing Rock
14 November 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 3-5pm, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 5905 Lewis Center Rd., Lewis Center, Ohio

Join us Tuesday [November 15] in front of the Lewis Center office of the Army Corps of Engineers. We will demand that...

Flyer for the movie
08 November 2016

Thursday, November 10 @ 7pm
The Hub, 1336 East Main Street, Columbus
$5 requested donation
"The film builds its case piece by shattering piece, inspiring levels of shock and outrage...

Greg Palast
02 November 2016

Monday, November 7, 2016 @ 7pm
The Hub, 1336 East Main Street, Columbus
Free - all are welcome!

People protesting at Ohio Statehouse
20 October 2016

Unity March to protest police brutality.

Friday, October 28, 12noon, Goodale and High Street.

Marching south on high to the state house where there will speeches and then we'll continue the march south on High to the...

Joe DeMare flyer
15 October 2016

Joe DeMare, the Green Party candidate, has been excluded from the Columbus Senate debate. Joseph DeMare is the 2016 Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate in Ohio. Join the Green Party in front of the Channel 10 Studios to demand Freedom...


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