
Black people holding a banner that says "Knee for Tyye, Black Kids Matter"
25 September 2016

Monday, September 26, 4:30-6:30pm, Columbus City Hall, 90 W. Broad St.

Please, Join us at City Hall to demand Justice For Ty're King and Henry Green and safety for our city's children! 

The killing of children and...

Book cover of Demand the Impossible with a guy holding a bullhorn
20 September 2016

Join us for a book event with Bill Ayers, part of a national tour to celebrate the release of his latest book, Demand the Impossible!: A Radical Manifesto. Wednesday, September 21, 6-8pm, University Hall, room 014, Ohio State University...

15 September 2016
Plate of the Union, which is a call to our next president for action on food and farms, would like to invite you to attend our Presidential Picnic event hosted by Real Food Student Group at The Ohio State University this Tuesday, September...
08 September 2016

Dear Ohio Activists and Concerned Residents,

Many of us have been watching the events unfolding on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota. The Native Americans who live on the Standing Rock Reservation are not...

Bob Bites Back logo with Bob shouting into microphone
03 September 2016

Help set the agenda for Central Ohio from the bottom up! Don’t leave the future of the greater Columbus area to current out-of-touch public officials and elite...

Jill Stein
31 August 2016

Central Ohio welcomes Jill Stein!

Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein will be at Capital University on Friday, September 2, 2016 from 12-2pm. She will give a lecture on the state of Third-Party politics in America as...


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