
Police line and demonstrator with hands in air
09 November 2020

The city of Columbus is asking for the public’s help with an independent investigation into the actions of some Columbus Police officers during the Summer 2020 protests and riots.

On June 1st, Mayor Andrew J. Ginther established...

Sign saying Citizen Police Review Board Now
27 October 2020

A group of locally-based, high-profiled corporations are financially backing the Issue 2 campaign – for a civilian review board of the Columbus Police – but when asked whether they would officially endorse it publicly, or encourage...

Sign saying The Good Thing about Science is that its true whether or not you believe in it
15 October 2020

National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

These are America’s prestigious medical research center, health protection agency, and the...

Details about book
23 September 2020

One underrepresented voice in the police reform movement that’s swept the country this summer is that of the Black police officer. In her new memoir, “...

Colorful picture from movie
16 September 2020

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Thailand's democracy activists, angered by Hong Kong's police brutality, joined an international "Mulan" boycott which expanded after Disney thanked China's security forces for help with filming in a desert where...

Line drawing of person leaving home with baggage
03 September 2020

The CDC announced on September 1 a moratorium on residential evictions nationwide through the end of the year. While it falls short of what activists have asked for, it is a welcome relief to many. This order comes in the wake of...


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