
Black woman with glasses in front of a huge crowd of people smiling with both hands held high above her head
01 May 2018

Thousands of labor movement activists gathered together at the 2018 Labor Notesconference in Chicago on April 6-8. We were excited to be able to join them, representing CWA Local 4502. The...

Back of man wearing an ICE police vest taking a dark-skinned man into custody with handcuffs on
17 April 2018

It’s easy to nowadays to casually flip through the newspaper, “Such a shame,” we say. Crying babies and images of ICE agents cover the front page. “Too bad, those poor kids.” And yet we turn to the next page; these are only problems in...

Painting of a black man's face against a yellow and orange circle on a white sided building with a bouquet of flowers in the foreground
04 April 2018

On March 27th, 2018, once again, the legal “authorities” made the same decision that seems to be the norm when it comes to police officers killing black man and boys “in the line of duty.” What decision did the Louisiana officials make...

Bald black man with dark mustache and goatee, wearing blue shirt smiling
27 March 2018

On Monday, March 26, Governor Kasich commuted the death sentence of William T. Montgomery to life without parole. And he did so because of you and about 122,580 others who took action asking him to commute. On behalf of William T, I...

Black silhouette drawing of a gun with a red circle around it with a line through it signifying "no"
13 March 2018

March 14, 2018 marks one month since the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which left 14 students and 3 staff members killed and many others wounded or injured. Women’s March Youth EMPOWER...

Image of a woman's face in purple with finger in front of her lips and words We all have stories so its time to acknowledge #MeToo
07 March 2018

The advent of #MeToo has revealed so many sexual predators who used some form of emotional abuse or manipulation to get what they truly want, perhaps we should begin thinking of new laws to protect women from predators who spring...


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