Recently a Pew poll came out that showed for the first time in the history of the question, more Americans support...
What’s Columbus City Schools (CCS) to do when it’s in the midst of perhaps the largest scandal in its history? Ask the voters for one of the largest levy expansions ever. Scandal, corruption and cover-ups equal “give us more money...
Are they or aren’t they investigating Governor Voinovich’s administration? It’s become a semantics debate. Voinovich campaign contributions, yes; administration, no.
The July issue of the Ohio Observer originally reported that the...
I visited my mother today. Entering the long term care unit in which she spends her final days, I hear the blare of her television. As I sit down next to her hospital bed, I realize that we’re viewing live coverage of the 50th...
My, my. The coverup starts in the Columbus Dispatch Metro section lead which begins, “[Franklin] County election officials say they think a clerical error is to blame for 19 Columbus police officers having their voting addresses listed...
Columbus attorney William Todd, Chief Executive Officer of real estate development firm Develop88 LTD, submitted a purchase offer to the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) on August 9th, in an effort to purchase and...