Police firing guns
08 December 2020

The snow had just finished melting and he had picked up a sandwich from Subway on his way home where his family was waiting his return.

His keys were in the door, with the sandwich and a mask in hand, when he was allegedly shot...

Young black man
07 December 2020

DECEMBER 6, 2020 - The family of Casey Christopher Goodson, Jr. demands answers after Casey was shot and killed by a police officer on December 4, 2020. Casey was an amazing young man whose life was tragically taken after bein...

Photos of frontliners
22 November 2020

A few tears before the pandemic struck, the Free Press covered the small group of local Walmart workers who were fed up with making $9-an-hour and forced to work on Thanksgiving night and well into...

Davis Besse
17 November 2020

More than a dozen members of the Ohio business community and regional developers came together yesterday for a virtual panel discussion to share their perspectives on the need to repeal House Bill 6, the coal and nuclear bailout...

Guy on a radio show
05 November 2020

Activists hope Election Day in Columbus brought more accountability and transparency for the Columbus Division of Police. Columbus city leaders and the county’s newly elected county prosecutor Gary Tyack talk the talk, but will they...


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