
Tuesday, November 16, 12noon-1:30pm [5pm-6:30pm Greenwich Mean Time], this on-line event requires advance registration

Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork, comparative research, and over 110 hours of face-to-face interviews with a diverse range of political, academic, civil society, and community actors across Northern Ireland, “A Troubled Sleep: Risk and resilience in Contemporary Northern Ireland” revisits one of the world’s most deeply divided societies to analyze Northern Ireland’s current vulnerabilities, and points of resilience, as an allegedly “post-conflict” society.

With a forward by Senator George Mitchell, “A Troubled Sleep” presents deep insight into what happens when identity politics prevail over democracy, when a paralysis in governance leads to a political vacuum for extremist voices to exploit, when de facto social segregation becomes normalized, when acclimatization to violence becomes a generational legacy, and when questions of “who we are” become secondary to “who we are not.”

RSVP for this event by using this link.

Hosted by Mershon Center for International Security Studies.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021 - 12:00pm

Event Type: