
Saturday, December 12, 10-11:30am, this on-line event requires advance registration

Known as the nuclear bailout bill, House Bill 6 stands as one of the most controversial bills in recent Ohio history.

Wildly unpopular among Ohioans, the bill passed in the state legislature, survived a spirited repeal campaign, resurfaced in FBI investigations, led to the arrests of several state officials, and yet to this day remains intact. In this manner, H.B. 6 provides a microcosm of how corrupt gerrymandered state assemblies (in Ohio and elsewhere) manipulate the democratic process — that they are sworn to uphold — to prioritize the profits of corporations over the health and safety of their constituents.

This Saturday, December 12, 10-11:30am, Move to Amend Ohio is hosting an intergenerational panel on H.B. 6.

Following a summary of the bill, our guest experts will discuss the dangers of nuclear plants, the economic and financial advantages of windfarms and solar power, and the criminality of First Energy. Additionally, this virtual conference will feature updates on H.B. 6 during the always-precarious lame-duck session, actions that citizens can take, and an open question-and-answer session.

All are welcome!


• Harvey Wasserman, author, investigative reporter, founder of Solartopia

• Patricia Marida, Chair, Ohio Sierra Club Nuclear Free Committee

• Ayla Bella and Ailia Escala, representing the Sunrise Movement

RSVP for this event by using this link.

Contact: Sandy Bolzenius, <> or 614-843-6170

Hosted by Move to Amend Ohio.


Saturday, December 12, 2020 - 10:00am

Event Type: