
Thursday, December 10, 7-8pm, this event will be occurring via Zoom

On Christmas Eve 1914, German and British soldiers battling each other on the Western Front did a strange thing. Violating military protocols against fraternizing with the enemy, they emerged from their respective trenches and met in the middle of no man’s land — not to kill, but to sing Christmas carols, exchange gifts, and even, some say, play football.

This evening, historian Sandy Bolzenius looks at accounts of these battlefield outbreaks of peace by ordinary soldiers. In recognition of today’s 72nd anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, audience participation is welcomed to discuss how these World War I truces in the trenches relate to global humanitarian efforts today.

Join us on Zoom this evening to learn about the extraordinary-yet-little-known battlefield celebrations of peace during World War I and the lessons they offer as we forge a more peaceful future for all humankind.

Please use this Zoom link to join this event.

Contact: Sandy Bolzenius, <> or 614-843-6170

Hosted by Move to Amend Central Ohio.


Thursday, December 10, 2020 - 7:00pm

Event Type: