Friday, November 17, 11:15am-12:35, Ohio Union [Barbie Tootle Room], 1739 N. High St.

How should we address climate change? Should we rely on market-based solutions? What are the alternatives? This student-led Civil Discourse Forum will address the question “Can Markets Solve Climate Change?” with speakers Benjamin Ho (Economics, Vassar) and Benjamin McKean (Political Science, Ohio State).

This colloquium is part of CEHV’s Civil Discourse for Citizenship initiative, which provides opportunities for students to engage in vigorous and respectful discussion anchored by the 4Cs: Be Curious, Be Charitable, Be Conscientious, Be Constructive.

The panel discussion will be moderated by two of CEHV’s undergraduate Civil Discourse Fellows: Ellamarie Jones and Trevor Jones.

Hosted by OSU Center for Ethics and Human Values [CEHV].


Friday, November 17, 2023 - 11:15am


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