
Saturday, September 23, 12noon-7pm, Mayme Moore Park, 867 Mt. Vernon Ave.

“Columbus Community Pride 2023: Here to Stay” celebrates the enduring legacy of resistance and survival in the face of unrelenting state violence. The theme reminds us that Black and Brown queer, trans, and intersex folks from all walks of life have always preserved by grounding ourselves in intentional community and building our own systems of care, safety, and healing outside of the influence of the state. We are rooted in these values and this is what allows Community Pride to continue to flourish.

“Here to Stay” also honors how our queer, trans, and intersex elders from communities of color have led countless movements toward liberation throughout history. We believe that working for the most marginalized among us will serve to benefit everyone, and that our collective liberations as oppressed peoples are intertwined.

We thus work for the liberation of all oppressed people, including but not limited to those in oppressed positions based on their gender, sexuality, race, socioeconomic status, employment, housing, citizenship, disability, religion, etc. We remain in solidarity with local and broader struggles against oppressive forces that disrupt our livelihoods and opportunity to live freely.

And of course, Community Pride itself is here to stay. Building upon our previous themes thus far, “Back to Our Roots” (2018), “Decades of Resistance” (2019), “FTP!” (2020/2021), and “The Future is Queer” (2022), we are happy to be bringing this grassroots festival celebration into its sixth year in central Ohio. As we navigate the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, white supremacists disrupting queer spaces, fascist legislation at the Ohio Statehouse, police targeting our people, and more, we maintain our commitment to resisting state violence in all its forms and building abolitionist futures.

Join us at Mayme Moore Park on Saturday, September 23 for a full day of free festivities and merriment by and for us!

• Live music and performances by local LGBTQ+ bands and artists!

• Vendor booths by local LGBTQ+ artists and entrepreneurs!

• Info fair for local LGBTQ+ organizations!

• Kids activities! (Masks required in the youth activity zone)

• Food trucks!

• Workshops!

• Beautiful queer people and our love!

Hosted by Columbus Community Pride and BQIC [Black Queer and Intersectional Collective].


Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 12:00pm

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