
Sunday, March 10, 10am-12:30pm, at NCFM’s temporary meeting location in the basement of North Broadway United Methodist Church, 48 W. North Broadway

Join IACO [Interfaith Association of Central Ohio] friends as we learn about the North Columbus Friends Meeting [NCFM], a welcoming and inclusive Meeting of people seeking a personal and gathered experience of what has been called by a variety of names, such as God, the Inner Light, Truth, or the Transcendent. While Quakerism has its roots in Christianity, it is understood that Truth may be spoken by people with a wide variety of backgrounds. They welcome those voices and invite people to share their inward experience of the Divine, whatever that may be.

Please note: NCFM’s temporary meeting location [which is accessible to people with disabilities] is most easily accessed from the outside by entering the North Broadway United Methodist Church building near the southwest corner of that building [via a door on Broadway Place that is underneath a dark green awning] and then (1.) turning right and going down some steps to the Meeting Room or (2.) taking a longer route [that does not involve any steps] down a sloped hallway and then turning right twice to reach the Meeting Room.

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Hosted by North Columbus Friends Meeting and Interfaith Association of Central Ohio.


Sunday, March 10, 2024 - 10:00am

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