
Saturday, July 16, 12noon, Ohio Statehouse

Join the nationwide March for Trans Justice on Saturday, July 16. Ohio rallies will take place in Akron, Bowling Green, Cincinnati, Columbus, Delaware, and more, beginning at 12noon. Signs and clothing with supportive messaging are encouraged! Please dress for the weather, wear comfortable shoes, and bring your own portable chair if you would like to sit during the event.

Across the state, trans and non-binary children are being bullied by teachers, administrators, school board members, and local parents. Educators are being cautioned not to let gender-variant students express themselves or ask questions. Student athletes as well as amateur and professional athletes are being removed from sports teams, contrary to previous rules and policies. Access to competent and appropriate healthcare is in jeopardy for transgender minors, regardless of parental consent or diagnosis. Healthcare is also under attack for trans and gender non-conforming AFAB [Assigned Female At Birth] folks who are seeking necessary reproductive care. There are still no state-wide protections for “gender identity” in employment, education, housing, credit/banking, adoption, jury selection, or public accommodations. Violence against our community is rising.

“It’s 2022 and trans healthcare, access, and existence is being systematically erased. We need everyone to fight. To get loud. To email. To march.”

Use this link to connect with the organizers for this event.

Hosted by March for Trans Justice and TransOhio.


Saturday, July 16, 2022 - 12:00pm


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