
Wednesday, May 3, 12:30pm, Trinity Episcopal Church on Capitol Square, 125 E. Broad St.

The Day of Action to stop HJR 1 has been changed to Wednesday, May 3!

The Ohio House session during which we believe that the vote on HJR 1 will take place has been moved to Wednesday, May 3; please join us then. We will gather at Trinity Episcopal Church, 125 E. Broad St., across the street from the Ohio Statehouse; we will then march over to the House Chamber at the Ohio Statehouse.

Together, we plan to make it clear that we won’t put up with this attack on our rights and the Ohio Constitution!

Legislative leadership is attempting to subvert citizen-led ballot measures by making them much harder (HJR 1 and SJR 2). They are poised to subvert “one person, one vote” by requiring a supermajority to approve changes to the Ohio Constitution. They plan to put this attack on voter rights on the ballot in a specially-crafted August Special Elections!

RSVP for this event by using this link.

Hosted by Common Cause Ohio, Ohio Citizen Action, Innovation Ohio, All Voting Is Local, Ohio Voter Rights Coalition, ACLU of Ohio, Ohio Conference AAUP [American Association of University Professors], SPAN [Single Payer Action Network] Ohio, and League of Women Voters of Ohio.


Wednesday, May 3, 2023 - 12:30pm

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