
Sunday, October 31, 3-6pm, this event will be occurring via Zoom

Three Cranes Grove invites you to join us for a celebration of Samhain, honoring the various gods of the dead honored by our grove members. We will honor Gaulish Cernunnuos, Gaelic Donn, Greek Hades, Roman Pluto, Vedic Yama, and Norse Hel, among others.

Many of the Indo-European legends of the dead speak of a crossing over, for which a fare may or must be paid. For our working at this rite, you will want, as an offering, two coins (of any denomination) to give either for a deceased loved one of the past year, or for any spirit who needs the fare to cross over.

This rite will be held hybrid — Grove members will be present together in the ritual space, while guests will join us via Zoom. We strive to weave all attendees into our magic, no matter how they join us. We invite all guest participants to pray at their home shrines along with us if they have them, or in the shrine of their heart if they do not, and to join with us in offering.

What you absolutely need:

• a computer, tablet, or phone with an Internet connection

• A couple of coins to give as an offering during the working

• a beverage (of any sort): we’ll be blessing the Waters of Life with the blessings we receive, and each person’s beverage will receive those blessings.

Other things you may want:

• Representations of the ADF Hallows, Hellenic style: the Fire, the Well, and the Tree — our sacred centers, which we will join together. These can be actual bowls of water, candles, and a pillar or sculpture of a tree, or drawings, or anything else that allow you to focus upon the mythic Hallows.

• Offerings for the spirits. As is customary in Three Cranes rituals, there will be time for the folk to give offerings to the spirits that are dear to them, and to our deities of the occasion.

Please use this Zoom link to join this event.

Hosted by Three Cranes Grove, ADF.


Sunday, October 31, 2021 - 3:00pm

Event Type: