
Friday, August 25, 5:30-6:45pm, Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St.

On Friday, August 25, student activists and community organizers at The Ohio State University are calling on Ted Carter to immediately resign and apologize for his role in the unjust invasion of Iraq and bombing of Yugoslavia. Organizers also demand the democratization of OSU so that students, faculty, and Columbus community members can collectively decide the leadership of OSU.

What: A coalition of undergraduate students, graduate students, and Columbus community members will rally against the undemocratic appointment of OSU President Ted Carter.

Who: Ohio Youth for Climate Justice, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Rising Tide, Answer Coalition, Revolutionary Student Front, OSU student organizers, and community members

When: Friday, August 25, 5:30-6:45pm

Where: Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St.

Hosted by Ohio Youth for Climate Justice and other organizations.

Ohio Youth for Climate Justice is a youth-led movement organizing radical action to address the climate crisis with the focus and urgency that the issue deserves. Ohio Youth for Climate Justice has been campaigning for fossil fuel divestment at The Ohio State University for two years.

Contact: Yousuf Munir, Ohio Youth for Climate Justice, 513-658-6560 or <>.


Friday, August 25, 2023 - 5:30pm


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