
Friday, October 9, 7pm, 1021 E. Broad St.

Abolitionists from Ohio and beyond have invited Columbus area residents for a conversation about their walk from the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility [in Lucasville, Ohio], where death row inmates are executed, to the Ohio Statehouse.

This seven-day, 83-mile walk will enable walkers to engage local communities in conversations about ending capital punishment.

The final 2.5-mile leg in Columbus on Saturday, October 10, the World Day Against the Death Penalty, will conclude with 12pm rally at Trinity Episcopal Church, 125 E. Broad St. [across the street from the Ohio Statehouse].

In conjunction with Walk to Stop Executions, October 4-9.

Sponsored by Scioto Peace and Justice [Fellowship of Reconciliation], Footprints for Peace, Ohioans to Stop Executions, and Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio.

Contact: 606-932-2383


Friday, October 9, 2015 - 7:00pm

Event Type: