
26 April 2015

“There can be no black and white unity until there is first some black unity. We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves” — Malcolm X

Presented by Tawi Family Village.


26 April 2015

Why are honey bees and other pollinators disappearing? Together with you and your questions, Apiarist Dave Noble will help to make sense of the many factors contributing to the loss of pollinators. Join us for a lively discussion about...

26 April 2015

Join naturalist, Bob Harter, for a spring walk through Stratford’s Nature Preserve. View the carpet of unique Wild Hyacinth, discover the Trillium, Jack in the Pulpit, Green Dragon, Wild Geranium and more. Dress for the weather for this...

26 April 2015

A free, one-day, community festival providing visitors with a sampling of ways to “go green,” including opportunities to buy re-purposed or recycled items, learning to appreciate native plants and animals, and educating folks on how to...

19 April 2015

[The below description is by the Ohio Student Association]

Thursday, April 23

Wrestling with the Role of Faith in Activism

Whether we consider ourselves primarily rooted in faith communities or...

13 April 2015

Join progressive friends for food, drink and great music. or 614-253-2571


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