Saturday, May 7, 8am-1pm, Worthington’s Historic Village Green, Worthington, Ohio
A free, one-day, community festival providing visitors with a sampling of ways to “go green,” including opportunities to buy re-purposed or...
Saturday, May 7, 8am-1pm, Worthington’s Historic Village Green, Worthington, Ohio
A free, one-day, community festival providing visitors with a sampling of ways to “go green,” including opportunities to buy re-purposed or...
Saturday, April 30, 5-8pm, MCL Kingsdale, 3154 Kingsdale Center, Upper Arlington, Ohio
Come out and join us for dinner and conversation! We’ll be in the back room unless there’s a special event going on in that room.
Saturday, April 30, 8:30-11am [registration begins at 7:30am], Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, 4850 W. Powell Rd., Powell, Ohio
Walk to Cure Arthritis is the Arthritis Foundation’s nationwide signature event supporting our mission to...
Tuesday, April 26, 5:30-7pm, The Columbus Foundation, 1234 E. Broad St.
Suzanne Roberts and James White will engage in a thoughtful and candid conversation about race relations in our communities and America. This talk is...
April 26, 11am-1pm, Stratford Ecological Center, 3083 Liberty Rd., Delaware, Ohio
Join veteran members of Stratford’s Herb Group for a spring walk in our gardens and woods to identify and learn how to incorporate culinary wild...
Saturday, April 23, 1-10pm, Columbus Commons, 160 S. High St.
Join Green Columbus and a group of wonderful sponsors in celebrating Earth Day 2016, which we’re calling “Right Now” this year, at a celebration at Columbus Commons on...