
30 March 2015

Need I say more? Let’s talk about these two extreme groups located right here in good old C’bus. Somebody suggested this topic so I am going to go with it.

Below are links to the websites of Xenos and World Harvest.


30 March 2015

America’s government has been corrupted by money. Politicians promise change but end up working for the special interests and lobbyists who fund their political careers instead of representing the People.

A Princeton University...

30 March 2015

A training on understanding the worldviews of the Hispanic/Latino and Somali cultures and how they impact health; this workshop is a part of the Columbus Public Health “Fundamentals Training” series.

Sponsored by the Columbus...

30 March 2015

As the legislature returns from its spring break, stand with fellow OTSE members, leaders of allied organizations, Clergy members and six of Ohio’s nine death row survivors as we call for implementation of the Task Force Reform...

30 March 2015

Meet and discuss your ideas to improve the City of Columbus with mayoral candidate James Ragland, former City Council legislative aide for Charleta Tavares; endorsed by the Franklin County Green Party.

Sponsored by Bob Fitrakis...

30 March 2015

We will be holding a series of discussions on African appreciation. This series will be centered on the economic forces that shaped Africa and its people during the time of enslavement and Colonialism. We will also discuss the emergence...


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