We will be holding a series of discussions on African appreciation. This series will be centered on the economic forces that shaped Africa and its people during the time of enslavement and Colonialism. We will also discuss the...
We will be holding a series of discussions on African appreciation. This series will be centered on the economic forces that shaped Africa and its people during the time of enslavement and Colonialism. We will also discuss the...
A community conversation, in partnership with the Columbus Public Health LGBTQ Health Initiative, on healthcare disparities focused on expanding the definition of "minority" and moving us forward to a place of full inclusion.
Come out and join us for dinner and conversation! We’ll be in the back room unless there’s a special event going on in that room.
Various forms and styles of Tai Chi and Qigong will be performed together and in groups and taught for free. All Tai Chi and Qigong teachers, students, and practitioners, plus other healing artists and those who are interested; are...
A Time Bank is a community of people who support each other. When you spend an hour to do something for an individual or group, you earn a “time credit.” Then, you can use that “time credit” to buy an hour of a neighbor’s time or engage...