
Wednesday, September 16, 5-6:30pm, this on-line event requires advance registration

In order to secure a healthy, sustainable environment for all, we must reckon with a past that has perpetuated a system of racist inequities, from park access to policy-making.

Historically, the American environmental movement has largely been driven by upper-class, white citizens and has often excluded or actively harmed people of color, lower-income communities, Indigenous peoples, and immigrants. Meanwhile, grassroots environmental justice organizers have fought to protect their communities from destruction and oppression.

The reality is, racial justice is environmental justice. Environmentalists have not always acknowledged this truth.

Together, environmentalists can empower our communities by taking action for racial equity. As the environmentalists of the present, it is our duty to ensure that we — and our society — stop drawing power from these inequities.

Change starts with our community. Change starts with a choice.

Join us for a virtual discussion with social and climate justice champions. Let’s confront the racist history of the environmental movement and modern environmental racism.

Because racism is unsustainable.

*Speakers include:*

• Leslie Hinkson, Chief Officer for Racial Justice and Equity, League of Conservation Voters [national]

• Jocelyn Travis, Central Ohio Organizing Manager, Sierra Club

• Avery Martens, organizer, Showing Up For Racial Justice [SURJ] Columbus, Ohio

• Laura Recchie, President, Root + Branch

At the Ohio Environmental Council, we recognize that the right to breathe fresh air, drink clean water, and safely access nearby nature has been denied to people of color across Ohio and the country for far too long, and we must be part of the solution. The OEC is committed to combating racism and its pervasive, dangerous impacts every day to change our current reality. We have a lot of work to do, and we hope that you’ll join the effort to combat systemic racism.

Register for this event by using this link.

Hosted by OEC [Ohio Environmental Council] Emerging Leaders, The Ohio Environmental Council, and Showing Up for Racial Justice [SURJ] Ohio.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020 - 5:00pm

Event Type: