
Encounter Point, directed and produced by Ronit Avni with co-director Julia Bacha, is an 85-minute feature-length documentary film that follows a former Israeli settler, a Palestinian ex-prisoner, a bereaved Israeli mother and a wounded Palestinian bereaved brother who risk their lives and public standing to promote a nonviolent end to the conflict. Their journeys lead them to the unlikeliest places to confront hatred within their communities.

The film explores what drives them and thousands of other like-minded civilians to overcome anger and grief to work for grassroots solutions. It is a film about the everyday leaders in our midst. For two years, the Just Vision crew followed the stories of ordinary people who feel driven to work for an end to bloodshed and occupation in favor of peace.

Encounter Point has subsequently won the 2006 Audience Award for Best Documentary at the Rencontres Film Festival in Montreal, the Best Musical Score Award at the Bend Film Festival and the 2006 Spirit of Freedom Award at the Bahamas Film Festival. It has screened in Dubai, Jerusalem, Jenin, Gaza, Ramallah, Amman, Sderot and more than 200 cities worldwide. It appeared on CBC in Canada as well as on Al Arabiya, one of the largest Arabic satellite stations in the world as well as on TV in Brazil, Poland, Korea, Australia and beyond.

Light refreshments will be served.

Contact: Connie Hammond,


Friday, January 23, 2015 - 7:00pm

Event Type: