
Tuesday, June 11, 6-9pm, Canzani Center [Columbus College of Art and Design], 60 Cleveland Ave.

This is the third Community Pride event!

We will host a free screening of the documentary “Free CeCe!,” followed by a panel discussion that will highlight transmisogynoir and its daily violence against Black trans women as well as the systemic dehumanization and criminalization of Black trans people.

When Black trans women are under attack, what do we do? Stand up, fight back!


Documentary description from trailer: “On her way to the store with a group of friends, Chrishaun Reed ‘CeCe’ McDonald was attacked. In fighting for her own life, a man was killed. After a coercive interrogation, CeCe was incarcerated in a men’s prison in Minnesota. An international campaign to free CeCe garnered significant support from media and activists, including actress and executive producer Laverne Cox. Laverne uses her platform to explore the roles that race, class, and gender had played in CeCe’s case. CeCe emerges not only as a survivor, but as a leader. Documentarian Jac Gares pushes past everyday narratives of victimhood that surround the lives of trans people, to foreground the way that CeCe and other trans people are leading a growing movement to critically interrogate and disassemble the prison industrial complex.”

Panelists will be announced soon!

Event accessibility details: The main entryway to the Canzani Center does not have steps and is wheelchair-accessible. As you enter the building, the doors on the right-hand side have automatic door-openers that are operated by a push button. Restrooms are located on all three floors of the Canzani Center. Restrooms are located on all three floors of the Canzani Center. Each restroom has a wheelchair-accessible stall. Columbus College of Art and Design [CCAD] is accessible by bus. The closest stop is located at E. Long St. and Cleveland Ave; there are also bus stops at E. Broad St. and Washington Ave. in front of the Columbus Museum of Art [that is nearby]. There will be designated parking spots for wheelchair users though they are closer to the church than they are to CCAD. CCAD’s security team will set up two temporary spots for this event in the front row of parking in the lot adjacent to Canzani, close to the main entrance. We are requesting that this be a low-scent event. Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scented haircare products/deodorant/lotions, etc.

Hosted by Columbus Community Pride and Black Queer and Intersectional Columbus [BQIC].


Tuesday, June 11, 2019 - 6:00pm

Event Type: