
Tuesday, December 20, 6:30pm, Fabian’s Chicago Style Pizza Place, 691 N. High St. [look for the “Humanist Community of Central Ohio” table sign]

Welcome to the Freethinker Book Club! We define “Freethinker” as a person who forms his or her own opinions about important subjects (such as religion, science, morality and politics) instead of accepting traditional dogma.

The books and articles are chosen by group consensus and suggestions centering on relevant topics of the day. We also try to bring to the meeting differing books that offer more than one viewpoint, i.e., we have read both Thomas Paine’s and Glenn Beck’s Common Sense. We took opposing sides to Climate Change, causes, and concerns.

It usually is not necessary to read the entire book or article to join the discussion. And although our traditional focus is on non-fiction, we occasionally delve into fiction as well.

If you are ready to be challenged, please join us for books, beer, pizza and some great discussion at Fabian’s Pizza at 691 N. High St. in the Short North.

A note on parking: there is a metered public parking spot right beside Fabian’s; there is also a parking garage on Russell St. [just a block away].


Tuesday, December 20, 2016 - 6:30pm

Event Type: