
Monday, August 28 to Wednesday, September 6, Charlottesville, Virginia to Washington D.C.

We are marching from Charlottesville to Washington D.C. to demonstrate our commitment to confronting white supremacy wherever it is found. It’s clear that we can no longer wait for Donald Trump or any elected official to face reality and lead. We are coming together to reckon with America’s long history of white supremacy so that we can begin to heal the wounds of our nation.

Starting on September 6, we’ll be taking over Washington D.C. We will hold our ground and will launch wave after wave of nonviolent civil disobedience demanding that Trump be removed from office and that an agenda be advanced that heals the wounds of white supremacy. This will be a sustained civil disobedience campaign, so bring what you need to stay.

March route:

Washington D.C. action:


Wednesday, September 6, 2017 - 12:00pm

Event Type: