
Monday, June 6 to Tuesday, June 14, several locations in Central Ohio

The Ohio Peace Festival is a celebration of community, unity, and peace in all of its forms. Emphasizing events by the people of Ohio for the people of Ohio, the Festival focuses on peaceful collaboration within and among communities. We seek to celebrate and enhance understanding of diverse approaches to peace and community-building through politics, art, health, industry, and beyond. We welcome any and all ideas and suggestions for events that build positive peace throughout Ohio.

The Ohio Peace Festival is an annual event organized by the Ohio Peace Collaborative, a collective group of peace-driven individuals, organizations, non-profits, and companies within the State of Ohio.

Mission: To build unity through peace.

Vision: A collaborative world of peace, justice, and understanding.

Our values: Nonviolence, positivity, collaboration, and non-partisanship.


Contact: Ohio Peace Festival, 1501 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH 43201; or 614-327-8389 (voice/text) or 614-292-3810 (voice); or


Monday, June 6, 2016 - 12:00pm

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