
Breakfast will be served, 8-10am, in Henderson Hall. A community program will be held in the main sanctuary at 10am [there will be Civil Rights videos in the main sanctuary until 10am]. Testimonies on police abuse will be taken, 12noon-4pm.

Tell your story of police abuse. Testify before a panel of community leaders and attorneys. Testimony will be under oath and will be recorded for public use. It will be made available to the media, the Department of Justice, and the City of Columbus in order to deal with a systemic problem.

The outcome: reform of the justice system and a Citizen Review Board of the police.

Sponsors include Police Officers for Equal Rights, the Columbus Free Press, and the Columbus Action Network.

Contact: 614-253-2571 or



Monday, January 19, 2015 - 8:00am

Event Type: