
Sunday, December 3, 3-7pm, North Congregational United Church of Christ, 2040 W. Henderson Rd.

Join Council on American-lslamic Relations [CAIR] to hear attorney Jennifer Nimer, Executive Director of CAIR-Columbus, describe how Islamophobia affects Muslims’ day-to-day life — through workplace discrimination and hate crimes and through the challenges that immigrants and refugees face in Central Ohio. The struggles faced by the Muslim community in Columbus will be lifted up in the first-hand stories of recent immigrants who are receiving assistance through Community Refugee and Immigration Services [CRIS].

Immediately after the forum, through Better Plate Columbus, immigrants and others will share and discuss some of their favorite dishes from cultures within and outside of the Muslim world.

Families with children are welcome. Onsite childcare will be provided during the 3-5pm forum; children are welcome to join the 5-7pm social hour.

A donation of $10 is recommended for this event.


Sunday, December 3, 2017 - 3:00pm

Event Type: