Are we really the best potluck in town? You decide! If you have dietary restrictions, rest assured that ingredients will be listed, and if you are eating gluten free or vegan, no problem! Prepare to share the foods you love, and bring your own tableware — but we’ll have some if you forget.

As we enter our 23rd year, we are delighted to introduce our new director, Sarah Edwards, and many new board members. Yes, we will review our accomplishments in 2014 but Sarah will be looking forward and outlining the course we are charting for 2015, including our newest initiative: Simply Living University aka Sustainable U!

Schedule of Events

• 5pm: open to members and friends (guests are welcome)

• 5:30 6:30 pm: potluck dinner

• 6:30-7:30pm: program

• 7:20pm: children’s music performance

• 5-7:45pm: browse and bid on silent auction items

• 7:45pm: silent auction winners announced

Contact: Chuck Lynd, or 614-354-6172



Saturday, March 21, 2015 - 5:00pm


Event Type: