
Ohio erupted in 2014 when John Crawford III was killed in a Walmart for attempting to purchase a toy gun. Young people across the state, led by Black youth, built a movement to win justice for John Crawford and to create a fundamental shift in the relationship of power between law enforcement and our communities. We called on our Attorney General Mike DeWine to overhaul the training and protocols related to use of force and racial bias. If he or our Governor had taken action in a meaningful way they could have maybe prevented any further unjust officer-involved shootings.

Instead, in November, Cleveland Police continued a long history of brutality and racism within the city when they killed 37 year old Tanisha Anderson, bashing her head into the concrete until she lost consciousness. A week later they followed up by shooting 12 year old Tamir Rice under circumstances shockingly similar to those that led to John Crawford III’s death. Now it is clear that there will be no meaningful policy or cultural shift unless we fight for it.

As we prepare for the indictments (or more than likely lack of indictments) of Officers Timothy Loehmann and Scott Aldridge we are engaging the community in a series of training sessions to get ready to build a movement and fight for justice for Tamir Rice and Tanisha Anderson.

This event is open to everyone.

Contact: Malaya Davis,


Saturday, March 14, 2015 - 9:00pm

Event Type: