
Sunday, June 5, 1-5pm, Mallway Park, 2096 Arlington Ave.

Rainbow UA is proud to announce this year’s Pride event on Sunday June 5, 1-5pm, on the Mallway in Upper Arlington, at 2096 Arlington Ave. Rainbow UA is thrilled to have the support of many small businesses within our community for a youth-focused Pride event. Unlike many other Pride events, this is an alcohol-free event. UA Pride is an event for young children and teens, families, and community members.

This year’s Pride event will include art, entertainment, children’s activities, drag performances, resource tables, public speakers, and performances. The event and all activities [outside of the food vendors] are offered at no-cost to ensure accessibility regardless of socioeconomic status. This year’s event will include a variety of LGBTQI+-serving organizations, including GLSEN [Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network], Kaleidoscope Youth Center, Gays for Good, Equality Ohio, Black Out and Proud, PFLAG, and Black Transmen. LGBTQ vendors, including Plenty O’Cookies and Grandview Grind, will sell merchandise at Pride. A nationally recognized author will present at Pride as part of a national book tour. There will be fun prizes for kids’ activities and the best-dressed pet contest, as well as a teens tent and a community art project. Entertainment will include a theatrical production, drag shows, student performances, community speakers, and mindfulness activities. Health and wellness organizations, including the OSU Medical Center, SARNCO [OhioHealth Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio], and Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Ohio, will also be on site to share resources and available services. Pride will include food trucks and lots of dessert options.

Pride will also include healthcare support from Columbus Public Health. There will be a mobile unit with health and wellness services with a nurse practitioner including STI testing/treatment, HIV PrEP starts, same-day birth control, wellness exams [including breast/chest exams, diabetes and cholesterol screening, pregnancy testing, and more]. All necessary medications are provided on site. All services are free of charge [patients may choose to use their insurance if desired, however, that is not required].

The LGBTQ+ community, and particularly LGBTQ+ youth, have experienced an exhausting and deflating amount of negative messaging from the controversy over gender-neutral restrooms to the backlash to DEI [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion] initiatives in the schools. Many parents are struggling with how to communicate and connect with their LGBTQ+ children, and (UA) Pride provides a welcoming, affirming, and celebratory space for LGBTQ+ residents, youth, and allies to come together to experience community, learn about valuable resources, enjoy a family-friendly event, and celebrate what makes LGBTQ+ individuals and families a valuable and beautiful part of our community.

Hosted by Rainbow UA.


Sunday, June 5, 2022 - 1:00pm


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