
Thursday, December 10, 4-5:30pm, this on-line event requires advance registration

The $61 million H.B. 6 scandal and the ongoing FBI investigation that ensued has shown us all that utility corruption and greed runs rampant in our state. But now there’s an opportunity to send a message that our state must prioritize what everyday Ohioans need over the wants of energy companies.

Thanks to the recent resignation of the PUCO chairman after the FBI raided his home, there’s an opening at the PUCO, the body tasked with regulating private utilities in Ohio.

Join us Thursday, December 10, 4-5:30pm, and share what you think should be prioritized when it comes to choosing a new commissioner — someone who will be influencing utilities and their customers for years to come.

Once we’ve discussed our vision for Ohio’s next commissioner, we’ll lay out concrete action steps that we can all take to make this vision a reality!

Register for the December 10 meeting at

Hosted by Ohio Citizen Action, Communities United For Action, End Poverty NOW Cleveland, Ohio Beyond Coal, The InterReligious Task Force on Central America, Utilities for All, Cleveland Owns, and Sunrise Movement Cleveland.


Thursday, December 10, 2020 - 4:00pm

Event Type: