
Vote sign
24 July 2023

Monday, July 24, 2023, 7:00 PM
This training will cover all the details on how to be a poll monitor on Election Day this year and how to sign up for a shift at your County's Early Vote Center. If you cannot...

Details about event
23 July 2023

Sunday, July 22, 6pm
Old Town East Community Gardens, 775 Oak St, Columbus
Pack up a picnic and join OTENA for Music in the Garden. The free concerts will feature local bands and musicians playing jazz, blues, pop and/or soul...

Sax player
22 July 2023

Saturday, July 22, 7:30pm
Old First Presbyterian Church, 1101 Bryden Rd.
Free concert - People's Jazz Quartet led by Kevin Cox on saxophone.

Girl reading
21 July 2023

Part Three

Very real debates continue about appropriate expectations for children of different ages and for variations especially by social, physical, and intellectual conditions at each age. Astonishingly, human...

Book cover
21 July 2023

Ah, for those halcyon days when the president of the United States was an intellectual and a serious reader. And he can sing, too!

In Grace, Cody Keenan, Obama’s chief White House speechwriter, takes us back to the period...

Man's face and hazy skyline
21 July 2023

The Columbus Dispatch ran an op-ed by...


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