
30 November 2022

In this essay, I continue my comparative analysis of Columbus, Ohio, among other North American “we’re a big city now” cities (in the words of one City Councilor). My detailed focus began with “Columbus, meet a ‘real’ city:...

Joe Motil
30 November 2022

After months of speculation and rumors as to whether or not current Columbus Mayor Andy Ginther was going to run for re-election in 2023 ( or some other ordained Franklin County Democratic Party Democrat) it is rumored that Mr. Ginther...

Houseless person's stuff
30 November 2022

Ohio House Bill 430, pushed by the entrenched Ohio Republicans and passed in September, had a simple enough title: “Regards property development.” It made a slew of changes to the Ohio Revised Code, such as revising laws for orphaned...

Details about event
30 November 2022

Wednesday, November 30, 6:30am-9pm, using your telephone

Will you help protect Ohio families from radioactive oil and gas waste by making one phone call on Wednesday? Ohio has 226 Class II injection wells that accept 20-30...

Details about event
29 November 2022

Tuesday, November 29, 7pm, this on-line event requires advance registration

“Inhale/Exhale” is a space for restorative healing for organizers and activists in our lovely ecosystem. We welcome all organizers in the progressive and...

28 November 2022

Hundreds of Indigenous sacred sites across the country -- places of Indigenous foods, medicines, ceremony, burial sites, and creation stories -- have been threatened and desecrated by the climate crisis and by harmful development...


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