Friday, May 27, 2022, 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Free Resource Fridays is our monthly free resource giveaways, hosted at on the last Friday of every month! Grab some resources, harm reduction supplies, clothes, hygiene products...
Thursday, May 26, 2022, 7:00 PM
Join Bill Lyons, Jonathan Beard, and Joe Motil to learn about what has been going on with the Columbus Charter Review Commission and what you can do about it.
Join Zoom here ...
Our nation is in the midst of a gun violence crisis. Every day, more than 110 Americans die from gun violence.
We cannot become numb to the tragedies we witness daily. We don't have to live like this—and we don't have to die like...
The Free Press is proud to announce that a cartoonist we publish, Clayton Jones of Virginia, is the 2022 winner of the RFK Human Rights Journalism Award in Editorial Cartooning. His work was awarded for its "unique style" which...
Ohio State is “stalling” on giving their workers consent to vote or voluntarily allowing them to form a union, AFSCME Ohio Council 8, the local union helping Wex Workers United or “WWU” to organize, told the Free Press. OSU has...
Lost in the attention accorded to the flurry of right-wing Republican legislatures’ passing and governors’ signing blatantly partisan and extralegal redistricting bills—and, in a growing number of states, both state and federal courts...