25 January 2022

Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 6:45 PM
Please join us for a special virtual event! Featured speaker:  Van Jones is a CNN host, political commentator, Emmy Award-winning producer, and author of three New York...

Students marching
24 January 2022

If students cannot rely on their university to pay them a living wage and provide good working conditions, what do they do? This is the question many student workers are asking themselves at Ohio State University (OSU). While tuition,...

23 January 2022

No War in Ukraine! Nothing is worth risking war, much less nuclear war. No side wants war in Ukraine, and certainly not the people of Ukraine. Someone must find the courage to push back against the momentum toward war, and lead the...

Harvey J Graff
23 January 2022

A public relations and marketing campaign called FL4ALL announced itself in a full-page ad in the New York Times on August 3, 2021. It represents a dangerous fiction and threat to students and unsuspecting “...

23 January 2022

Sunday, January 23, 2022, 3:00 PM
Simply Living members are a diverse community. We share values about living mindfully with each other and with nature.  Simply Share is being launched as a way to check in with each...


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