Monday, February 1, 2021, 3:30 PM
Join the Poor Peoples’s Campaign to launch Moral Mondays during the first 100 days of the Biden-Harris administration. On the anniversary of the start of the sit-in movement on February 1, 1960,...
01 February 2021
30 January 2021
When local media reported Columbus Police Chief Thomas Quinlan was stepping downon Thursday, January 28, many Columbus residents were relieved and hopeful. The Columbus Dispatch quoted Mayor Andy Ginther’s rationale for asking...
30 January 2021
Saturday, January 30, 12noon-4pm, Goodale Park [central parking lot], 120 W. Goodale St.
Gather and unite with us as we celebrate and honor...
29 January 2021
Friday, January 29, 4-6pm, Community Grounds: Coffee and Meeting House, 1134 Parsons Ave.
Free Resource Friday is a donation-based...
28 January 2021
Thursday, January 28, 6-8pm, this event will be occurring via Zoom
Hey Comrades, this week the Central Ohio Revolutionary Socialists invite you...