
Woman speaking into a megaphone
18 January 2021

Sandwiched between the nation’s honoring of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on January 18 and the inauguration of President Biden on January 20, a deportation charter flight is scheduled to leave Florence (Arizona), for Mauritania on Tuesday...

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
17 January 2021

26th Annual Free Community Breakfast
Sponsored by Police Officers for Equal Rights
Monday, January 18, 2021
8am Breakfast (carryout only)
First A.M.E. Zion Church, 873 Bryden...

Crowd of Trump rioters outside the Capitol
16 January 2021

The storming of the Capitol by pro-Trump anti-democracy rioters is reported to have caught the local police off guard. Trump supporters have a long history of violence, more recently culminating with the breaking into statehouses in...

Details and people protesting
15 January 2021

Saturday, January 16, 2021, 3:00 - 6:00 PM
Ahead of the inauguration this month, we’ll gather virtually to plan how we continue to push together. The Frontline is partnering with Women’s March, Rising Majority, the...

Comic book characters
14 January 2021

Wednesday, January 13–Saturday, January 16
Comic book fans of all ages: get ready for the ninth annual Schomburg Black Comic Book Festival, the virtual edition!
Each year, the Schomburg Center’s Black Comic Book Festival ...

Text message image
14 January 2021

A fundraising effort to support terminated Columbus Division of Police officer Adam Coy is currently ongoing among many Columbus police officers, asking 200 officers to give $20 a month to raise $4,000 a month.

The officer-...


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