Album cover
02 December 2020

We finally made it to the election after being inflicted with a plague, and police murders that resulted in protests, and tear gassing that would make a 14-year-old write a letter for Amnesty International to our government.


Details about event
01 December 2020

Tuesday, December 1 - Giving Tuesday
1DivineLine2Health provides care to the sick who have no access to healthcare via a line of compassionate messengers who deliver healing to victims of human & drug trafficking and...

Two women in intense conversation
30 November 2020

HBO is starting to air a subtly powerful film that’s even more relevant now than when it was first released earlier this year. 

Never Rarely Sometimes Always is the story of Autumn (...

Details about event
30 November 2020

Monday, November 30, 8pm, this on-line event requires advance registration

Facebook Event


Silhouetted figure of woman posing near a lake and horizon
29 November 2020

We are all grieving. We grieve the loss of our normal freedom to come and go; to hug a friend; to sit in “The Shoe” with 80,000 other people cheering the Buckeyes; to gather at our local watering hole and share an evening with friends...


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