Child with backpack
07 October 2020

Columbus City School Families and Teachers Call on Superintendent Dixon to improve communications, collaborate with the teacher’s union and school staff, and deploy a comprehensive survey to student caregivers before...

City Hall building
07 October 2020

Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 5:00 PM
Council President Shannon G. Hardin and Councilmember Mitchell J. Brown will conduct a joint hearing of the Rules and Reference Committee and the Public Safety committees. The...

Sign saying Voting Rights are Human Rights
06 October 2020

Early Voting Begins Today!

This year...more than ever
 - you need to be an
Election Defender at the Polls

Please sign up for at least one shift to be an Election Protection Observer:

•         ...

Flag and word Vote
05 October 2020

Monday, October 5
Check your registration -
Register to vote online - ...

Calling all seekers logo
04 October 2020

I want to review an amazing little book called WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? By Dr. Spenser Johnson. It’s about change and how to deal with it effectively. The 4 characters are 2 mice, Sniff and Scurry, and 2 Littlepeople called Hem and...

Details about event
04 October 2020

The Ohio Power Siting Board approved construction of a  proposed fracked gas power plant, which would be built right on Ohio State University's campus. but we can still stop the plant from being built. The next step to prevent a...


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