Calling all seekers logo
04 October 2020

I want to review an amazing little book called WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? By Dr. Spenser Johnson. It’s about change and how to deal with it effectively. The 4 characters are 2 mice, Sniff and Scurry, and 2 Littlepeople called Hem and...

Details about event
04 October 2020

The Ohio Power Siting Board approved construction of a  proposed fracked gas power plant, which would be built right on Ohio State University's campus. but we can still stop the plant from being built. The next step to prevent a...

Details about event
02 October 2020

The documentary, recently acquired by HBO, doesn't premier nationwide until March 2021, but we've been granted early access by the filmmakers. Purchase a ticket ...

Name Lake Erie Bill of Rights
02 October 2020

TOLEDO, OH: Yesterday, an Ohio court of appeals reversed a previous trial court order, ruling residents suing to enforce the Lake Erie Bill of Rights (LEBOR) and hold the State of Ohio accountable for its failure to protect Lake Erie...

Building with colorful art on it
02 October 2020

Friday-Sunday October 2-4, starts tonight at 6pm
Vanderelli Room, 218 McDowell St. Franklinton

Outdoor event! Face masks are required & the grounds will be set up to help you maintain spatial distancing. Election Day is...
Person bleeding on the chin and cops macing man
01 October 2020

“Absolutely these are civil rights complaints of officers using excessive force and making false arrests. Automatically, (BakerHostetler) should have had more time. They had a clause that would have given them all the time they...


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