Post office sign
25 August 2020

Tuesday, August 25, 5-6pm
Twin Rivers Drive Post Office

On Tuesday, August 25, thousands of people will take action across America with one clear message – #SaveThePostOffice. Join us! The movement for our public Postal...
Man with a guitar
25 August 2020

David Rovics' political commentary through songs can all be found as episodes on the Song For Today podcast.  Everything else can be found as an episode of the podcast, This Week with David Rovics. ...

Older man reading the USA Today
25 August 2020

The Columbus Dispatch's corporate owners, the Gannett Co., are compelling it to become an honest, diverse newspaper. And you can blame the late, great Al Neuharth. I will explain shortly.

You would have to be a resident...

Save a lot store
24 August 2020

Systemic racism. According to some sources it’s a form of racism that is embedded as a normal practice within society or an organization. Recently, Merriam-Webster has decided to change their definition of racism to reflect systemic...

Cartoon man in a spiral
24 August 2020

Political commentators have spent nearly four years trying to understand why Donald Trump spreads lies, ignores constitutional norms and otherwise fails to act like the president of the United States. In a new...

Fire on the horizon
24 August 2020

The first 10 minutes of Rebuilding Paradise are harrowing.
Ron Howard’s documentary is mostly about the aftermath of the November 2018 “Camp Fire” in Paradise, California, but first it shows us the fire...


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