Words - you must be paid on time it's the law
12 April 2020

Thursday, April 16, 2020, 6:00 - 7:30 PM.
Join us for our monthly Immigrant Justice Committee meeting! This will be a zoom call, please email us for the link/phone number at ...

Details about event
12 April 2020

Progressive friends who are used to gathering on the second Saturday for the Free Press salons met together through Zoom on April 11 from 7-9pm for a "Cyber-Salon." About 37 people were able to tune in to hear speakers,...

Man in white shirt leaning elbows on table
09 April 2020

When it comes to hitting the doors and dealing directly with the people on the other side, when you rap your knuckles on the wood, you need to remember that you are employing a very powerful weapon effectively and responsively. Meeting...

Details about event
09 April 2020

Join us for the Free Press Second Saturday Cyber-Salon on Zoom.
Facebook Event

night from 7-9pm on Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting:...

Grave that says Wisconsin I Voted
08 April 2020

For Donald Trump’s GOP followers, the real issue in the 2020 election is democracy itself.

They want it abolished. 

Their primary allies are the Coronavirus, state legislatures like those in Ohio and Wisconsin, and the US...

07 April 2020

No one needs to tell the Freep how bad some Ohio State off-campus landlords can get. Their uncaring and second-class treatment of students and non-students alike has been well-documented for decades.                    



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