Rep your block logo
28 April 2020

#RepYourBlock2020, a grassroots coalition, recruited dozens of people from diverse political, demographic and racial backgrounds to run for central committee and strengthen the party. Our candidates are united in a vision for...

Woman holding sign saying Live Free or Die
28 April 2020

A group of people begging to “Live Free or Die” may just get their wish as they gathered in Columbus to demand Ohio be “opened” – most of them failing to maintain social distance from each other or wear protective masks. Men in...

Details about virtual events
27 April 2020

Since the first Coronavirus cases in Ohio were confirmed in early March, events have been canceled left and right. Everything from small gatherings and weddings, to big city festivals and major international events have all...

Black man in COVID mask
27 April 2020

As of Friday, April 24, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released numbers that show 30% of known black patients tested positive for COVID-19. Conveniently or not, the report didn’t have any other racial...

Book cover
27 April 2020

Maybe you are out of work. Maybe you are like me, and have worked online for some time. Regardless of your situation, chances you are at least somewhat more homebound than you used to be. This month’s foray into nerdery dips...

Car with sign saying Free Them Now in front of Ohio Statehouse
27 April 2020

Over the weekend, ten inmates at the Morrow County Jail tested positive for COVID-19. The jail is one of two ICE contracted detention centers in Ohio.

Most, if not all are immigrants held on civil...


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