
Pink, white and light blue striped flag, the trans flag
30 October 2019

In light of TransOhio’s recent decision to sever all ties with Stonewall Columbus (SWC), I would like to add a few comments.

And while I was not part of SWC’s executive leadership or a member of their Board... I was obviously...

Collage of logos
30 October 2019

Herbalists are often frustrated by not only the system we all live under (that devalues human life, is indifferent to suffering, and only supplies quality care to those that can pay) but also frustrated how that system has slowly...

Guest pass from Crazy Mama's with a picture of a woman in leather
30 October 2019

Never been prouder of Columbus thanks to a spontaneous moment of dance at Bruce Nutt's Crazy Mama's 40th Anniversary shindig starring the indefatigable Fleshtones at Skully's, Friday, October 4.

Deep in their super-rock garage...

Details about the event
29 October 2019
Let's get together to work on posters, flyers, and banners for the Nov. 2nd March for Black Trans Women! Bring poster board, markers, paint, bedsheets, etc. and let your creativity run wild. Bring friends and feel free to come and go as...
A table with memorial items from Bobbie Simpson and a table with the logo from 1DIVINELINE2HEALTH
29 October 2019

The good news

As 2019 is coming to an end, the 1DIVINELINE2HEALTH Love Tribe survived purely on faith, hope, and love. These key ingredients expose the human suffering on Sullivant Avenue by sounding the trumpet...


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