
Film poster with words Powerful Flamboyant and Notorious and a middle aged white man sitting in a huge fancy armchair
28 October 2019

Since Donald Trump first landed tweet-first in the Oval Office, armchair psychiatrists have been trying to figure him out.

Why does he have so little regard for the truth—or for anything outside of his own self-interest? Why does...

Kimberly Mason, young black woman smiling
28 October 2019

Hardly anyone wants to be on the Columbus School Board. This year, five of the seven slots are up for election but there are only six people running. The sad state of the Columbus City Schools has suppressed interest in serving on the...

Nuclear tower with lots of white smoke coming out against a blue sky
28 October 2019

A terrifying series of gestapo-style assaults, petition buying, bribery, mass media manipulation and systematic intimidation has disrupted the attempt of Ohio citizens to repeal a nearly billion-dollar bailout for two dangerously...

Two soccar players on the field on opposite teams, one in blue and one in yellow kicking the ball
28 October 2019

To the relief of many Columbus residents, the Columbus Crew has been saved from relocation and will remain in the city. After efforts by fans and the city government to keep the Major League soccer team in town, the Columbus Crew has...

Words Vigil for Kashmir 2019.10.27
28 October 2019

Protest video

Columbus remembered the plight and resilience of the Kashmiri people on Sunday. October 27. Sponsored by CAIR. 

Woman holding a sign saying US Out of the Middle East
27 October 2019

Monday, October 28, 2019, 7:00 – 8:30 PM
The River and the Wall follows five friends on an immersive adventure through the unknown wilds of the Texas borderlands as they travel 1200 miles from El Paso to the...


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