
Bus driver in a circle with words People Before Robots
18 September 2019

WHEN: Tomorrow, Thursday, September 19, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

WHERE: Travelers’ Rest Baptist Church, 1533 Cleveland Avenue

WHO: TWU Local 208 and the People Before Robots...

Statue of liberty with gag
18 September 2019

Educate A Legislator Day date has changed to Wed. Sept 25th 8 am – 4 pm

We received information over the weekend that the Ohio Republicans will be taking a retreat to organize their plans for the year beginning...

thoughts & prayers crossed out and words policy & change
17 September 2019
Wednesday, September 18, 1-3pm, Ohio Statehouse

An Intersectional March will begin (promptly) at 12:30pm at Columbus Commons, 160 S. High St. Please bring signs, posters, and photos. The rally, “End Gun Violence...

Two Latina women
16 September 2019

Now – September 17, 2019
We are doing a big push for fundraising because Edith is eligible for a U Visa. This Visa can cover both her son and her husband, however her son is turning 21 this month and after that he...

SEIU Local 1199 logo
15 September 2019

Monday, September 16, 2019, 11:00 AM
A march from the Local 1 office to the 12pm action at Nationwide and High Street. Join SEIU Local 1 janitors and supporters as they kick off the 2019 contract campaign. SEIU is...

Big government building rotunda in the dark and people rallying in front
15 September 2019

Sunday, September 15, 2019, 3:00 PM
Join Moms Demand Action Columbus to go over the process of presenting testimony on gun legislation and discuss talking points for pending bills.   Please use the following link to...


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