Wednesday, June 26, 6:3-7:30pm
Church for All People, 946 Parsons Ave.
In the last week we have heard threats of ICE raids, deporting millions of people. At the same time, our government has denied responsibility for...
These forums are opportunities for residents and any interested stakeholders to provide their input directly to city staff regarding what characteristics they would like to see in...
"No borders! No nations! Stop deportations!" A small but mighty group gathered across the street from the Hotel Leveque to protest Trump's announcement that deportations would be stepped up starting Sunday morning, June 23 in certain...
Monday, June 24, 2019, 7:00 PM.
The film is 41 minutes. This documentary, produced by the United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network, describes how Israeli practices of detaining children are illegal under international law...
Sunday, June 23, 3-5pm, First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd.
This Town Hall will present experts on the Federal proposal and how it might work in...
Doing nothing is not an option. Here are some articles and resources we've found online that give advice on what you can personally do if you want to help migrants and to change this horrifying situation.